After recently completing our first ever 10 week block of Virtual Turbo training sessions, with great success and a resounding thumbs up from club members who participated, it looks like Virtual Turbo is here to stay!
Coach Mick Macken shares his thoughts on bringing virtual training to Athlone Triathlon Club and we hear from our Club Members and what they really thought......
“By being unable to travel or train indoors, our popular club turbo session, which was as much a fun social get together as a training workout, was unable to go ahead. It was definitely going to leave a big void in our club activities, and was going to be a huge loss in these dark gloomy evenings over the winter months. We wondered about doing it on line, if we could meet up and see each other and chat face to face, push each other and motivate each other to get the best out of ourselves, all from the safety of our own homes?
After a few discussions and trials with John, our I.T. consultant, we took the plunge, and on the first Friday in October we had our first session. Naturally we were afraid that members might not buy into it, or there would be issues with connectivity or equipment, but we needn't have worried - it was an instant success, with 26 logging in and taking part the first night, and the numbers remaining great since. What is fantastic also is that our juniors are taking part, some on their own, some alongside their parents and siblings, and they are loving it. They really put it up to the adults, smiling away throughout, making it look easy while some of the grown up are hanging.
Whilst keeping the training relevant and real, we are conscious also of keeping it fun, and keeping a great level of variety each week to keep it interesting. From my point of view, I am thrilled with the uptake, and unlike sessions in the gym where I coached the session, I can now take part and lead the session whilst doing it myself also. Funnily enough, there doesn't be much taking once we get into the meat of the session, and I never realised before just how hard it is to give instructions when you are gasping for breath in some of the more challenging reps.
It's all great fun, great training, and it's an hour everyone looks forward to each Friday.
The feedback is always very positive, and the banter and slagging is as good as ever.
It's likely that even when restrictions end, we will continue with this, as it's very convenient for everyone, and the numbers participating are higher than ever.“
Coach Mick